Question:Write a c program or code to find or calculate the volume and surface area of cone
#include<stdio.h> #include<math.h> int main(){ float r,h; float surface_area,volume; printf("Enter size of radius and height of a cone : "); scanf("%f%f",&r,&h); surface_area = M_PI * r * (r + sqrt(r*r + h*h)); volume = (1.0/3) * M_PI * r * r * h; printf("Surface area of cone is: %.3f",surface_area); printf("\nVolume of cone is : %.3f",volume); return 0; }Sample output: Enter size of radius and height of a cone: 3 10 Surface area of cone is: 126.672 Volume of cone is: 94.248
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Write a c program or code to find or calculate the volume and surface area of cone