1. Question:What is AngularJS? 

    AngularJS is an open-source JavaScript framework developed by Google. It helps you to create single-page applications or one-page web applications that only require HTML, CSS, and JavaScript on the client side. It is based on MV-* pattern and allow you to build well structured, easily testable, and maintainable front-end applications.

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  2. Question:Why to use AngularJS? 

    There are following reasons to choose AngularJS as a web development framework:
    1. It is based on MVC pattern which helps you to organize your web apps or web application properly.
    2. It extends HTML by attaching directives to your HTML markup with new attributes or tags and expressions in order to define very powerful templates.
    3. It also allows you to create your own directives, making reusable components that fill your needs and abstract your DOM manipulation logic.
    4. It supports two-way data binding i.e. connects your HTML (views) to your JavaScript objects (models) seamlessly. In this way any change in model will update the view and vice versa without any DOM manipulation or event handling.
    5. It encapsulates the behaviour of your application in controllers which are instantiated with the help of dependency injection.
    6. It supports services that can be injected into your controllers to use some utility code to fulfil your need. For example, it provides $http service to communicate with REST service.
    7. It supports dependency injection which helps you to test your angular app code very easily.
    8. Also, AngularJS is mature community to help you. It has widely support over the internet.

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  3. Question:What are the advantages of AngularJS? 

    There are following advantages of AngularJS:
    - Data Binding - AngularJS provides a powerful data binding mechanism to bind data to HTML elements by using scope.
    - Customize & Extensible - AngularJS is customized and extensible as per you requirement. You can create your own custom components like directives, services etc.
    -Code Reusability - AngularJS allows you to write code which can be reused. For example custom directive which you can reuse.
    - Support – AngularJS is mature community to help you. It has widely support over the internet. Also, AngularJS is supported by Google which gives it an advantage.
    - Compatibility - AngularJS is based on JavaScript which makes it easier to integrate with any other JavaScript library and runnable on browsers like IE, Opera, FF, Safari, Chrome etc.
    - Testing - AngularJS is designed to be testable so that you can test your AngularJS app components as easy as possible. It has dependency injection at its core, which makes it easy to test.

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  4. Question:How AngularJS is different from other JavaScript Framework? 

    Today, AngularJS is the most popular and dominant JavaScript framework for professional web development. It is well suited for small, large and any sized web app and web application.
    AngularJS is different from other JavaScript framework in following ways:
    1. AngularJS mark-up lives in the DOM.
    2. AngularJS uses plain old JavaScript objects (POJO).
    3. AngularJS is leverages with Dependency Injection.

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  5. Question:Does AngularJS has dependency on jQuery? 

    AngularJS has no dependency on jQuery library. But it can be used with jQuery library.

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  6. Question:How to use jQuery with AngularJS? 

    By default AngularJS use jQLite which is the subset of jQuery. If you want to use jQuery then simply load the jQuery library before loading the AngularJS. By doing so, Angular will skip jQLite and will started to use jQuery library.

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  7. Question:Is AngularJS a library, framework, plugin or a browser extension? 

    AngularJS is a first class JavaScript framework which allows you to build well structured, easily testable, and maintainable front-end applications. It is not a library since library provides you limited functionality or has dependencies to other libraries.
    It is not a plugin or browser extension since it is based on JavaScript and compatible with both desktop and mobile browsers.

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  8. Question:What browsers AngularJS support? 

    The latest version of AngularJS 1.3 support Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Opera 15+, IE9+ and mobile browsers (Android, Chrome Mobile, iOS Safari, Opera Mobile).
    AngularJS 1.3 has dropped support for IE8 but AngularJS 1.2 will continue to support IE8.

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  9. Question:What is the size of angular.js file? 

    The size of the compressed and minified file is < 36KB.

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  10. Question:What are AngularJS features? 

    The features of AngularJS are listed below:
    1. Modules
    2. Directives
    3. Templates
    4. Scope
    5. Expressions
    6. Data Binding
    7. MVC (Model, View & Controller)
    8. Validations
    9. Filters
    10. Services
    11. Routing
    12. Dependency Injection
    13. Testing

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