1. Question:What are dashboard functions? 


    Dashboard function gives us a small problem to overcome. We want to be able to call this function from other functions in the class, as we have in the index function.

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  2. Question:What are parse functions? 

    Usually parse functions convert the data from one type into another type. Example: string to number, number to string.

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  3. Question:What are debug functions? 

    We should add in a debug function for ease of use. When  the  debug  function  is called , we want  to  echo  out  the  URL  of  the  last  API  call , and  the  HTTP  Status  Code.

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  4. Question:Define hooks in term of codeigniter? 


    A CodeIgniter hooks feature provides a means to tap into and modify the inner workings of the Codeigniter framework without hacking the core files. The hooks features can be globally enabled/disabled by—

                                    $config [‘enable hooks’] =TRUE;

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  5. Question:What is thumbnail? 


    The thumbnail function will simply resize the original image to smaller so that the browsers are capable to load it fast as an icon.


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