1. Question:Find the radios of a circle of area 38.5 `cm^2` (`pi =22/7` ). 

    `pi r^2` = 38.5
    `:. r^2` = `38.5/pi` 
             = `(38.5 xx 7)/22`
             = `(3.5 xx 7)/2`
             = `(3.5)^2` .
       `:.`r = 3.5
    The radius of the circle is 3.5 cm

    1. Report
  2. Question:Find the area between two circles of radii 4 cm and 3 cm . given that the smaller circle lies entirely within the larger. 

    Area of the bigger circle =`pi(4)^2 cm^2` =16`pi cm^2`.
    Area of the smaller circle=`pi(3)^2``cm^2`= 9`pi cm^2` .
    Area between the circle = (16`pi`- 9`pi`) `cm^2`= 7`pi cm^2`.
                                          = 7`xx 22/7 cm^2`
                                          = 22 `cm^2`

    1. Report
  3. Question:Find the volume and total surface area of a right circular cylinder , the radius of whose base is 4 cm and whose height is 5 cm ( Take `pi` to be 3.142) . 

    The volume =`pi r^2`h=`pi(4)^2 5 cm^3`
                       = 80`pi cm^3`.
                       = 251.36 `cm^3`
                       = 251 `cm^3`
     The area of the curved  surface = 2`pi`rh
                                     = 2`pi`(4)(5) `cm^2`  
                                     = 40`pi cm^2`.
    The area of each end = `pir^2`=`pi(4)^2 cm^2` = 16`pi cm^2`.
    The total surface area =(40`pi`+32`pi`) `cm^2`
                                       = 72`pi cm^2`
                                       =226.224 `cm^2`
                                       226 `cm^2`

    1. Report
  4. Question:Find the volume of material in pipe of length 7 cm, if the internal and external radii are 3 cm and 4 cm (Take `pi` to be `22/7`). 

    The volume of the larger cylinder
                       = `pi(4)^2` 7 c`m^3`= `pi xx16 xx 7 cm^3`= 112`pi cm^3`.
    The volume of the smaller cylinder
                       = `pi(3)^2` 7 c`m^3`= 63`pi cm^3`
    The volume of the material
                       = (`112 pi - 63 pi` ) `cm^3`
                       = 49`pi cm^3`
                       = 49`xx 22/7 cm^3`.
                       = 154 `cm^3`.

    1. Report
  5. Question:Evaluate 7`xx`19.3+8`xx`19.3-5`xx`19.3 

    7`xx`19.3+8 `xx` 19.3 - 5`xx`19.3
     =19.3 `xx`10

    1. Report
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