1. Question:Define DNS. 

    The Domain Name System (DNS) allows to use domain names (e.g. yahoo.com) in place of the corresponding IP address, such as

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  2. Question:What is domain name server? 

    The domain names and their complementary IP addresses are stroed on domain name servers, which are interspersed across the globe.

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  3. Question:What are the five  configuration directives that pertinent to PHP mail() function? 

    1. SMTP=string, Scope:PHP_INI_ALL
    2. sendmail_from=stirng, Scope:PHP_INI_ALL
    3. sendmail_path=string, Scope:PHP_INI_SYSTEM
    4. smtp_port=integer, Scope:PHP_INI_ALL
    5. mail.force_extra_parameters=string, Scope:PHP_INI_SYSTEM

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  4. Question:Explain the parameters of PHP’s mail function. 


    The PHP mail() function is used to send emails from inside a script.


    boolean mail(string to, string subject, string message [, string addl_headers [, string addl_params]])

    toRequired. Specifies the receiver / receivers of the email
    subjectRequired. Specifies the subject of the email. Note: This parameter cannot contain any newline characters
    messageRequired. Defines the message to be sent. Each line should be separated with a LF (\n). Lines should not exceed 70 characters
    headersOptional. Specifies additional headers, like From, Cc, and Bcc. The additional headers should be separated with a CRLF (\r\n)
    parametersOptional. Specifies an additional parameter to the sendmail program


        mail("client@example.com","This is a subject","This is the mail body","from:admin@example.com\r\n");


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  5. Question:Name five internet services that commonly operates on a particular communications port. 

    1. HTTP - Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
    2. FTP - File Transfer Protocol
    3. POP3 - Post Office Protocol
    4. IMAP - Internet Message Access Protocol
    5. SSH - Secure SHell

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  6. Question:How do you retrive internet service port number in php? 

    The getservbyname() function returns the port number of a specified service.


    int getservbyname(string service, string protocol)


       echo "HTTP's default port number is: ".getservbyname("http","tcp");


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  7. Question:How do you get a socket connection in php? 

    The fsocketopen() function establishes a connection to the resource designated by target on port.


    resource fsockopen( string target, int port [, int erron [, string errsting [, float timeout]]])


       $req="GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n";
       $req.="Host: www.example.com\r\n";
       $req.="Connection: Close\r\n\r\n";


          echo fgets($http,1024);


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  8. Question:What do you mean by directory service? 

    Directory Service: It offers system administrators, developers, and end users alike a consistent, efficient, and secure means for viewing and managing resources such as people, fles, printers, and applications.

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  9. Question:How do you connect to an LDAP server? 

    The ldap_connect() function establishes a connection to an LDAP server identified by a specific host name and optionally a port number.


    resource ldap_connect([stiring hostname[, int port]])


       $connection=ldap_connect($host,$port) ro die("Can't establish LDAP connection");

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  10. Question:What do you mean by web service? 

    Web service: Web services are typically application programming interfaces (APIs) or web APIs that are accessed via Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and executed on a remote system hosting the requested services.

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