1. Question:Write down the options of on screen? 

    The options of on screen as below:
    1.	Right Now
    2.	Recent Comments
    3.	Incoming Links
    4.	Plugins
    5.	QuickPress
    6.	Recent Drafts
    7.	WordPress Blog
    8.	Other WordPress News
    9.	Welcome

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  2. Question:What are the benefits and limitation of QuickPress? 

    The benefits of QuickPress:
    The QuickPress widget lets we write a blog post right from the Dashboard. It’s handy. It can also use tags.The limitation of QuickPress:
    Not categories, media uploads but not the rich text editor, and we can’t change the post’s publication date or status.

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  3. Question:What is Incoming links? How you can create an Incoming link? 

    The Incoming Links widget is set up to show we Google Blog Search results for our site’s URL. Create an Incoming link: http://blogsearch.google.com/blogsearch_feeds?scoring=d&ie=utf-8&num.

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  4. Question:What are the rolls applied to registered users? 

    These five roles apply only to registered users-Subscribers: Subscribers can edit their own profiles and not much else.Contributors: Contributors can submit posts for editors’ approval, but can’t publish anything.Authors: Authors can write and publish posts.Editors: Editors can write and publish posts and pages. They can also publish posts and pages submitted by other users.Administrators: Administrators can do everything.

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  5. Question:What does Permanent Link (Permalink) mean? 

    A permanent link (permalink) is a URL that always point and directs readers to the same Web page, blog post or any online digital media. A permalink may be created because that same Web page is also temporarily available at a different address. Permanent links are used in blogging services that do not create permanent links by default for the Web pages created using their publishing platform.

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