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Project Proposal on Online Sales Management System

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Application for project proposal

October 27, 2015 Project Consultant WPSI, Round-25, IDB-BISEW IDB Bhaban, Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka Subject: project proposal letter for the Sales Management System Dear Sir Thank you for offering us a great opportunity to make a real life project based on our core course that is web presence solution and implementation (WPSI). In this respect, We would like to inform you that we have decided to make a project on Sales Management System, which is most importance for every business communities. We have studied about the various aspects of this system and make a proposal accordingly which is enclosed herewith for your kind perusal. So, We think you will finally Approved the project and help to utilize our creativity. Sincerely, Laju Akter, ID-1180899 Iqbal Mahmud Hasan, ID-117706 Md. Faisal Ahmed, ID-1182791 Round: 25 Batch ID: ID-WPSI/APCL-01/R25/01 Subject: WPSI


Our proposed project is a real time implementation of an inventory control system for an on-site corporate super shop management . This project is specific in that it applies to the online shopping of super shop, but is flexible enough to be applied to many different super shop. The scope of this project will primarily focus on Sales Management System. Now-a- days online shopping in general, super shop staff and managers are forced to keep track of inventory by hand. This means that they must count what they have sold and what they have left at the end of each day. They must also fill out order forms to be sent to vendors so that they can restock their inventory in preparation for the next week. This wastes valuable man hours and is a rather simple task to automate using our software. We propose a solution to this issue by developing software that keeps track of inventory in the super shop, and updates it according to daily sales. Each product item is linked to respective resources (or ingredients) and as each product is sold the ingredients utilized in making that product are also utilized. These changes in inventory are kept track of through utilizing a database. We propose to keep track of each and every item by dynamically linking it to the product and as a result create a dependent relationship to that product. At a specific time period (typically the end of the week); if the inventory is below the threshold level, order forms to the specific vendors are generated in order to restock the required items for the next week. Our aim is to develop a sales management system that will enable micro enterprises to better manage their businesses, improve their efficiency, and help them provide a better service to their clients. In doing so it expected that micro enterprises will be able to improve their economic position and the communities in which they are located. The propose system will be made up of four distinct subsystems. The first is a point of sale and inventory management system that will allow a merchant to tally sales, keep track of inventory, serve clients efficiently and make informed business decisions. The second is an online inventory procurement system. Thirdly, a cashless payment service will allow payments to be made between a merchant and a third party. Finally, a bookkeeping system will be developed to keep track of cash flow, statement of financial position and profit and loss, amongst others. This will equip users to make more informed decisions pertaining to the performance of their business


The Purpose of the Project

To keep track of their inventory levels they have to calculate a list of the groceries utilized during a course of time, calculate and analyze the requirements for the future, and place their next order to the vendors if needed. This process takes up a lot of time and human effort, and is also prone to human error. This poses a problem of a situation that the staff at many other super shop faces. It takes up a lot of time to manually keep track of sales and place correct orders to vendors, wasting useful labor in trivial works. A product which would assist in tackling the above mentioned problems would prove to be fruitful to clients and similar enterprises as this product would help convert the unproductive time to something more useful, by removing the unnecessary error prone complications and efforts.

Goals of the Project

The project aims at providing an efficient interface to the super shop for managing their varieties of products inventory based on each item sold. The basic idea involved here is that each item is linked to its product item which are stored in a database. At the end of each day, the system analyzes the total sale of menu items and proportionately deducts appropriate amount from the resource database. Then it compares the current available resources with the threshold level of each ingredient. If it finds that certain ingredients are below the threshold, it will generate a purchase order for those item(s) and send it to the manager (admin) for approval. The product also aims to keep track of the shelf life of resources. If any resource nears the end of its shelf life, it would intimate to the manager (admin) the details of the quantity that is near its expiration date. The super shop must function efficiently, the groceries must be tracked correctly, timely orders must be sent out to the vendors, and the inventory must be maintained and updated at all times.

Regarding our Super Shop Software System

We confidently declared that, our software will be the best compare to any other software system that is fully specified for managing super shop and it special for it’s smooth operating capability. Our software is capable to help to create and manage invoices, product categories, purchase orders, payment receipts and unsophisticated cost management. Configuring the software system to any warehouse those are related to create revenue according to product buy-sales or produce and sales. So to be able to maintain account of purchasing and selling transactions, keep system update based on the number of products purchased and associated retail information with automated systematic process our system is unique. So our system will be free from unnecessary costing and complexity. That’s why we believe that choosing our system is right decision in fulfilling expectation.

Scope and Approach

Section wise managing and monitoring system is very important for any organization. The software has different login systems for giving and controlling access to perform in indivisual section. We have designed six login systems. Admin/CEO login, who capable to create, update or delete all loging system user. HRM login, HRM depertment user keep right to create, update or delete user without Admin/CEO login system user, purchase section login, inventory section login, sales section login and accounts section login. Admin/CEO login can perform and access all the sections and rest of the logins can access only the relevant section that means every login has a specific approach. All scopes together covers monitoring every section, keep account of purchase, updating store house,managing return goods, keeping account of sales, managing orders etc. Admin can monitor all tasks and latest approach that are going on through every section. Again every company may have own policy and scope, if any scope is missing, we are ready to fulfill according to the requirement of the company. So through the methodology we have taken, we hope a better solution for every super shop’s sales management.

Modules name

  • Login System
  • Employees Information
  • Product Information
  • Sales Information
  • Order Information
  • Stock Information
  • Manufacturer Information
  • Purchase Information
  • Report


Any problem regarding the software we are ready to undertake, it may be technically or economically like modification of this software. Our technology regarding the software is able to modify because it is extremely feasible. Any unexpected technical occurrence regarding this software we are ready to make it overcome as soon as possible. No doubt this software development is highly economically feasible. The company does not need to spend much money for the development of any system already available. We just then need only your help and resources for developing this software.

Technology we will use

This is a web based software and can be run either offline or online or both systems. It is based on frontend and backend system.
FrontendHtml 5, CSS3, Bootstrap, Javascript
Back endPHP, MYSQL
Server Software Configuration:
Operating SystemWindows XP and higher
Server Hardware Configuration:
ProcessorIntel(R) core(TM ) 2Duo CPU@ 2.93 GHZ
Hard Disk20 GB
Keyboard122 Keys


Though it is not easy to mention exact duration for the development of the project, yet I have designed an approximate time-line at the same time we believe that we will be capable of completing full project within the period mentioned below. We will also make documentation for all the stages.
Stages of Development Days
Initial study & Documentation 10
Feasibility study & Documentation 10
Analysis & Documentation 15
Designing & Documentation 15
Coding & Documentation 15
Testing & Documentation 15
Implementation 10
Total 90 days

Implementation Cost

The implementation will cover the following areas:
  • Analysis of Super Shop management system
  • Core coding of the application
  • Database designing
  • Frontend design
  • Developing the business and database logic
  • Module level unit testing
  • Bug fixing and final release including server setup

Project Supervisor & Coordinator

Mohammad Towhidul Islam Instructor WPSI, IDB-BISEW IT Scholarship Project towhidsir@yahoo.com

Development Team & Responsibilities

1. Laju Akter (Team Leader) ID: 1180899 Email: laju.info@gmail.com Contact: 01912830829 Module name: Employees Information, Product Information, Sales Information
2. Md. Iqbal Mahmud Hasan ID: 1177064 Email: iqbalhasan.info@gmail.com Contact: 01914733290 Module name: Login System, Report, Purchase Information
3. Md. Faisal Ahmed ID: 1182791 Email: faisalidbbisew25@gmail.com Contact: 01912505388 Module name: Order Information, Stock Information, Manufacturer Information

Information Source

1. PHP.Net 2. MySql.com 3. 4. W3School 5. Wikipedia

Comments 4

Carry on,good wishes for u...
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very nice
About Author
Laju  Akter
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