Mohammad Towhidul Islam

    04-Dec-17 11:33:30 am

    Insert, Update, Delete operation using struct into a file in C language

    #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> void addBook(); void displayBook(); void deleteBook(int id); void editBook(int id); typedef struct{ int id; char title[50]; char author[50]; }Book; int main() { int option=-1; int id; do{ //system("cls"); ...

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    Mohammad Towhidul Islam

    27-Apr-14 10:30:54 pm

    একশত বাহুবিশিষ্ট বহুভূজের মোট কোণের সমষ্টি কত হবে

    ত্রিভূজের তিন কোণের সমষ্টি ১৮০ ডিগ্রি। চতুর্ভূজের চার কোণের সমষ্টি ৩৬০ ডিগ্রী। এরূপ পঞ্চভূজ,...... একশত বাহুবিশিষ্ট বহুভূজের মোট কোণের সমষ্টি কত হবে? বহুভুজের বাহুর সংখ্যা (n) ইনপুট দেয়া হবে (n>2). কোণের সমষ্টি বের করতে হবে। #include<stdio.h> int main(){ int n; float angle...

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    Mohammad Towhidul Islam

    18-Oct-13 07:04:40 pm

    Add two numbers in c without using operator include stdio h

    #include<stdio.h> int main(){ int a,b; int sum; printf("Enter any two integers: "); scanf("%d%d",&a,&b); //sum = a - (-b); sum = a - ~b -1; printf("Sum of two integers: %d",sum); return 0; } Sample output: ...

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    Mohammad Towhidul Islam

    18-Oct-13 06:56:15 pm

    Write a c program to find out sum of digit given number method

    Write a c program to find out sum of digit of given number Method 1: #include<stdio.h> int main(){ int num,sum=0,r; printf("Enter a number: "); scanf("%d",&num); while(num){ r=num%10; num=num/10; sum=sum+r; } printf("Sum of digit...

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    Mohammad Towhidul Islam

    18-Oct-13 06:29:10 pm

    Subtract two integer numbers without using subtraction operator c language include stdio

    Subtract two integer numbers without using subtraction operator using C language #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main(){ int a,b,d; scanf("%d%d",&a,&b); d=a+~b+1; printf("%d",d); getch(); } ...

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    Mohammad Towhidul Islam

    10-Oct-13 01:07:44 pm

    Quick sort algorithm in c as one of the more advanced sorting

    Quick sort algorithm in C Quick sort As one of the more advanced sorting algorithms, you might think that the Quicksort Algorithm is steeped in complicated theoretical background, but this is not so. Like Insertion Sort, this algorithm has a fairly simple concept at the core, but is made compl...

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    Mohammad Towhidul Islam

    10-Oct-13 12:51:25 pm

    Heap sort algorithm in c heap sort heap as the name suggests is

    Heap Sort Heap sort algorithm, as the name suggests, is based on the concept of heaps. It begins by constructing a special type of binary tree, called heap, out of the set of data which is to be sorted. Note: A Heap by definition is a special type of binary tree in which each node is greater...

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    Mohammad Towhidul Islam

    10-Oct-13 12:45:23 pm

    Insertion sort algorithm in c insertion sort the sort is a commonly used

    Insertion Sort The Insertion Sort algorithm is a commonly used algorithm. Even if you haven't been a programmer or a student of computer science, you may have used this algorithm. Try recalling how you sort a deck of cards. You start from the begining, traverse through the cards and as you f...

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    Mohammad Towhidul Islam

    10-Oct-13 12:42:42 pm

    Selection sort algorithm in c selection sort the idea of sort is rather simple

    Selection sort algorithm in C Selection sort The idea of Selection Sort is rather simple. It basically determines the minimum (or maximum) of the list and swaps it with the element at the index where its supposed to be. The process is repeated such that the nth minimum (or maximum) element is sw...

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    Mohammad Towhidul Islam

    10-Oct-13 12:39:02 pm

    Bubble sort algorithm in c bubble sort bubble is probably one of the oldest

    Bubble Sort algorithm in C Bubble Sort Bubble Sort is probably one of the oldest, most easiest, straight-forward, inefficient sorting algorithms. It is the algorithm introduced as a sorting routine in most introductory courses on Algorithms. Bubble Sort works by comparing each element of the lis...

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