Question: Consider the three variables:
someText = 'JavaScript1.2';
pattern = /(\w+)(\d)\.(\d)/i;
outCome = pattern.exec(someText);
What does pattern.ignoreCase contain?
Question: You are allowing the user to upload image files. You want to be able to capture the attributes of the image such as width and height using JavaScript. How would this be possible?
It is not possible using JavaScript
You would use the Image object such as var img = new Image
You would use the Img object
This is possible only on the server side using a component
Question: Consider the following JavaScript function to change the color of the text box named ''txtName'':
function color(col)
{ document.forms[0] }
You want that the color of the text box should change to green only while the user is pressing a key?
Question: Consider the following image definition:
<img id="logo" src="companylogo1.gif" height="12" width="12" >
How can you change the image to "companylogo2.gif" when the page loads?