Question:Define interface with an example.
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Question:Define interface with an example.
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Question:What is abstract class? Write with an example.
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Question:How do we define class? Show with an example.
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Question:How do we create an object of any class?
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Question:What is object cloning? Show it with an example.
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Question:How is it possible to parse a configuration file?
The function parse_ini_file() enables us to load in the ini file specified in filename, and returns the settings in it in an associative array.
Question:Define function overriding and property overloading?
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Question:How do we define constant variables in OOP and how do we create constant variable with define() function? Show with an example.
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What is extends, implements, interface, abstract, class, new, static, and instanceof keywords used for?
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What are __toString(), __autoload(), __construct(), __destruct(),__set(),__get(),__clone() functions? Briefly explain.
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