1. Question:write the abbreviation of the following______

    ANSI= American National Standerds Institute
    COBOL=COmmon Bussiness Oriented Language
    FORTRAN=FORmula TRANsllator
    RPG II=Report Program Generator

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  2. Question:What is a documenting? 

    Documenting ia keeping a written record of what is done .

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  3. Question:What is programming process? 

    Programming process is a problem solving process and it consist of the following activities:-
       1. Defining the problem
       2. Preparing an algorithm
       3. Preparing a program flowchart
       4. Coding the program
       5. Debugging and testing
       6. Documenting

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  4. Question:Name a low level language? 


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  5. Question:What does it mean moduler programming? 

    One of the early attemps at improving programmer productivity through better planning was the use of modular programming. In modular p0rogramming, the program is broken down into modules(pieces), each of which performs a single, limited function and is written and debuggedd separately from other modules. Because the purpose and size of of each module are limited, the likelihood of erros is reduced.

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  6. Question:What is the defination of Structured Programming? 

    A collection of techniques for planning and writing of program that increases programmer productivity is Structured Programming.

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  7. Question:What do you mean by structured programming? 

    Structured programming refers to a collection of techniques that have evolved from the pioneering work of Edsger Dijkstra.

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  8. Question:Shortly synopsised the modular approach. 

    Modular programming is implinted by using subroutines, a group of instructions that performs a limited processing task, such as printing a portion of reporet, reading an input record, or calculating a square root.

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  9. Question:What do you mean by modular programming ? 

    An early stage in the development of structured programming. A program is broken down into pieces, or modules which can be coded and tested separately. That is called modular programming.

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  10. Question:Shortly discuss avout the External Subordinate. 

    External suboroutines are used to tasks that more than one program is likely to want perfomed. To use an external subroutine, the programmer needs to know where to find it, whats its name is, how to send data to it, and how the answer will come back.Once this technicalities are deal with, however, the programmer can make use of the code to perform a task, with confidence that the subroutine will provide the correct result.

    1. Report
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