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Electronics Club

Electronics Projects

Also See: Construction | Tools | Soldering | 555 timer circuits | Project books

Kits for all the projects are available from RSH Electronics.

Project kits are now available!
I am pleased to announce that kits for all the projects on this website are now available from RSH Electronics.

Click here for RSH Electronics

If you are new to electronics this is an ideal way to be sure you have the correct parts.

A brief description of the each project is given, but for full details click on the title. If you are looking for an easy project suitable for a beginner you might like to try the Flashing LED.

The Simple Component and Continuity Tester is also very easy.

In addition to the web pages, all projects are available as PDF files to download for convenient printing onto A4 paper.

To view and print PDF files you need an Acrobat Reader which may be downloaded free for Windows, Mac, RISC OS, or UNIX/Linux computers. If you are not sure which type of computer you have it is probably Windows.

These projects are provided in good faith but no responsibilty is accepted for their accuracy or suitability for any purpose - you use them entirely at your own risk! If you find an error in a project please tell me so that I can correct it as soon as possible.

Crocodile clips attached to a signal diode Simple Component and Continuity Tester
This simple project can be used to test components, circuit board tracks, wires and connections.

Flashing LED
This simple project on stripboard is the first that all Electronics Club members build. It makes a good low-cost project to check your soldering skills. The LED flashes at about 3Hz (3 flashes per second).
Heart-shaped badge Heart-shaped Badge
The badge consists of eight LEDs arranged in the shape of a heart. One LED is lit at a time and this 'chases' round the shape. It would be easy to adapt this project to create other shapes with the eight LEDs.

Simple Electronic 'Lock'
There are six (or more) push switches. To 'unlock' you must press all the correct ones at the same time, but not press any of the cancel switches. Pressing just one cancel switch will prevent the circuit unlocking. When the circuit unlocks it actually just turns on an LED for about one second, but it is intended to be adapted to turn on a relay which could be used to switch on another circuit. Most relays cost about £2 to £3 extra.
Adjustable Timer
This circuit starts timing when switched on. A green LED lights to show that timing is in progress. When the time period is over the green LED turns off, a red LED turns on and a bleeper sounds. The time period is set by a variable resistor and it can be adjusted from 1 to 10 minutes (approximately). It could be used to set a time limit when playing games or as an egg-timer in the kitchen.
Light-Sensitive Alarm
The circuit detects a sudden shadow falling on a light-sensor and sounds a bleeper for a short time (adjustable). Normal lighting can be used, but the circuit will work best if a beam of light is arranged to fall on the light-sensor. Breaking this beam will then cause the bleeper to sound.
Christmas Tree Decoration Christmas Decoration
18 LEDs flash at three different rates and you can use these to create a decoration of your choice. A template for a Christmas tree can be downloaded. The circuit is kept simple (and cheap!) by using the 4060B chip which is a counter and oscillator (clock) in one package. The circuit requires a 9V supply, such as a PP3 battery.

Also see the 'Random' Flasher for 8 LEDs project.

Model Railway Level Crossing Lights
The level crossing warning lights are switched on automatically as a train approaches. First an amber light shows, then two red lights flash until the train has passed the crossing.
Network Lead Tester
This was designed for confirming the continuity and correct wiring of computer network leads, but it can be adapted to check any lead with up to 8 wires by using appropriate connectors.
'Random' Flasher for 8 LEDs
This project uses a 4026 counter and display driver IC to flash eight LEDs in an apparently random manner. It can be used to create a display of your choice.
Model Railway Signal
This signal is controlled automatically by a passing train fitted with a magnet. It can also be manually set to red or green by pressing the switches. Trains will stop automatically stop at the red signal.
Click here for RSH Electronics Kits for all these projects are available from RSH Electronics. If you are new to electronics I recommend buying a kit because it is a good way to be sure you have the correct parts for a project.

© VCampus 2013, The Electronics Club, vcampus.co