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IDB-BISEW Descriptive Questions on HTML5

IDB-BISEW Q01. Write any five features of HTML5. Q02. Write the differences between HTML4 and HTML5. Q03. What are Inline element and Block-level element? Q04. What are the basic data types of HTML5? Q05. What is the function of manifest attribute of HTML element? Q06. Meta element is useful for what purposes? Q07. How many ways you can define list in HTML page? Q08. What are the differences between link and anchor element. Q09. How does del and ins elements are related with each other? Q10. What are the purposes usemap attribute of img tag? Q11. What is the benefit of using map tag? Q12. In IE6, what problem arises when multiple buttons are used? How can you solve this problem? Q13. What is the function of autocomplete and placeholder attribute of input tag? Q14. When colgroup tag is used in html document and for what purpose? Q15. What do you understand by HTML5 document outline? Q16. Mention some use of mark tag? Q17. Explain two types of progress element. Q18. What the differences are between embed and object element? Q19. Briefly describe the preload attribute values of video element. Q20.Why canvas tag is used? Q21. Why doctype is used? Answer: A DOCTYPE tells the browser what mode in which to render, which improves interoperability, and it makes easier when developing and debugging code. Q22. What do you mean by Character Entities?


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