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IDB-BISEW ExtJS Descriptive Questions

IDB-BISEW 1. Is there any difference between Ext JS and JavaScript? What is the dvantage of Ext JS? 2. What is a config object? 3. What are layouts, region and viewports? 4. What do you understand by Desktopping? 5. Write the benefits of using extjs. 6. Which three files are required to run extjs? 7. Mention four built-in validation types of extjs. 8. What are the two ext components to display data in a grid? 9. What are use of render to and stripeRows field types? 10. What are the functions of RowSelectionModel and ColumnSelectionModel? 11. What is a dirty cell? 12. Write the differences between object reference and component config 13. Which types are used in toolbar for divider and spacer? 14. What is JSON? 15. How does state handling can be done in ExtJS? 16. What are widgets? 17. What is gridPanel?

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