Step 1: download latest version of yii.x.x framework.
step 2: Unzip downloaded version and rename to yii and put it to your web server.
step 3: open up your browser and write localhost/yii/demos/ . There you will see some sample demo applications.
step 4: Now you are going to create a new yii application to the same directory where other demos are available.
step 5: Before creating yii application you have to make sure that your PHP compiler php.exe is available in your operating system otherwise an error message will throws. So you have to create an environment variable for c:/xampp/php directory as follows:
Right click my computer -> properties -> advanced system setting
Then in the advanced tab select environment variable button and then follow the instruction.
step 6: Now we are ready to create yii app. Open up command prompt with run as administrator then go to yii framework directory by cd command as follows:
c:>cd xampphtdocsyiiframework
c:xampphtdocsyiiframework>yiic webapp ../demos/myapp
then write "yes" after prompt you to make sure you want to create myapp to the specified location.
Now refresh your browser and you should see your app in the demo list.
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