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732 Database Configuration This is one of the main pages of the installation process, itís where you
need to enter important information about the database that your Joomla site
will use. Note you will see a drop down for the database type. Joomla 1.5
only really runs on SQL, but some of the foundation has been laid for the
next release, 2.0, to use more types, for example Oracle. The hostname will almost always be ìlocalhostî The Username and password will have been provided by your hosting company,
usually in an email you got when you created the account. If you are installing on a localhost using WAMP or XAMPP, the Username is
usually ìrootî and the password is nothing/blank. Once you have entered this information, click Get Privileges and the Joomla
installer checks to see if that user has rights to create a database. You
should see this message: If you made an error, or the user does not have sufficient permissions, then
you get this message (after a small delay): If the user you have does not have permissions then you can ask your hoster
to pre-create a SQL database for you to use. Available collations refer to various character sets available for different
languages. When you click the button you get a list of what is available: Pick a Database name for the SQL database that Joomla will use. Use some
sort of name that is not confusing. Other scripts use SQL databases and
before you know it you might have several on your server and will need to
tell them apart. Donít use spaces in the name. If you are running several Joomla sites but only have access to one
database, you will need to use a table prefix to distinguish them. Youíll
need to enter the prefix in the advanced settings (below) Note if your user did not have database creation privileges and you were
provided with a database instead you would obviously put that in as the
name. The advanced settings are concerned with what content the site starts with
and also the table prefixes mentioned above. If you have an existing site and you are reinstalling over the top, you will
need to select Drop Existing Tables. If you need to keep a back of them,
select Backup Old Tables. Using ìjosî as a table prefix is conventional
unless you have multiple sites in the same database.

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