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Quiz-1: Angularjs Fundamentals

1. AngularJS is the library of

A) JavaScript
C) Python
D) None of these

2. Which of the following is component of AngularJS

A) directives
B) expressions
C) filters
D) modules
E) controllers
F) All of these
G) None of these

3. AngularJS is perfect for ______

B) Multi Page Applications
C) Single Page Applications (SPAs)
D) Windows Application

4. AngularJS applications are built around a design pattern called ______

C) Object Oriented
D) Procedural

5. DI stands for ______ in AnguralJS

A) Data Injection
B) Dependency Injection
C) Database Injection
D) Data of Infromation

6. Which are the top-Level components of an AngularJS applications.

A) Controllers
B) Modules
C) Scopes
D) Services

7. Whose properties returns an object correspond to validation errors?

A) $error
B) $valid
C) $parsers
D) $isEmpty()

8. Who is the creator of AngularJS?

A) Guido van Rossum
B) Rasmus Lerdorf
C) Brendan Eich
D) Miško Hevery

9. Which validation method returns true if the model value is invalid ?

A) $error
B) $valid
C) $invalid
D) $isEmpty()

10. Which validation object returns true if the model value is valid ?

A) $error
B) $valid
C) $parsers
D) $isEmpty()

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